Welcome back. To you. To me. To this website, via a new address: angelajeffs.co.uk
While in Tenerife in January, my old domain (angelajeffs.co.uk) was snapped up overnight in a repayment muddle and I lost all rights to it. Unscrupulous buyers then cheekily tried to sell it back to me from the States, but I was not having any of that!
Then while on retreat in California (March 11-15) I was informed that this website had been hacked into and all content “disappeared”. Blogs, information, photos, everything.
At the time, it would have been easy to be distracted, devastated even. Instead I simply chose to see it as a sign. (http://embrace-transition.com/2015/03/04/picking-up-on-those-messages/)
Had I not that very lunchtime been talking with an American well-being coach who was working online with clients all over the world? (Next Steps: www.hilarynicholls.com)
When I worried that the technology might be too much for me, Hilary laughed.
“Believe me, Angela,” she encouraged. “If I can do it, so can you.”
Ah ha, I thought. Maybe I was simply being told that my old site was redundant – it had served its purpose through my early transitional phase – and it was time to move into a new one with, maybe, a new website?
Now I see that it’s a bit more subtle than that. Mark Newton-Carter who, when not creating websites (http://www.designmark.co.uk) is usually to be found galloping the mountains and glens of Perthshire on a carthorse, is rebuilding… an ongoing process that may take a while yet. But it also started me thinking, and we are working towards creating a new page: DOTWW online. This too may take a few months to become operative, but a move in the right direction for sure.
In the meantime, I’m scrambling to encourage students to sign up for the DOTWW eight-week course due to start May 9 in Birnam. You can see details under SCHEDULE to the right.
Suddenly there seems a lot to do, and it’s all very exciting.