22. February 2013 · Comments Off on All change · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
Goodbye to 3-3-3 Yamanone, Zushi - our home for ten years...

Goodbye to 3-3-3 Yamanone, Zushi – our home for ten years…


Hello Burnside Cottage

Hello Burnside Cottage

Late last year we moved from Japan to Scotland. After 26 years it is time to reinvent myself again. Stop thinking about it, dreaming, and act.

No better time then to start than now. This sits comfortably with my one and only resolution for 2013: DON’T FANTASISE. DO!

What I need to do right now is complete my next posting for Jacinta’s blog, Embrace Transition. I am back-pedalling again, to catch up on January, but that ís just fine and dandy. No need to beat myself up about it. At some point I may shift into the immediacy of now, but right now I’m not ready. What is interesting is how long ago my old life now seems. Not even two months into another year , and 2012 feels like a dream. Another world.  And here is the truth: it was.

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