08. January 2015 · Comments Off on Come float with me… · Categories: Uncategorized

I have been quiet the last month or so, reflecting on the best way to move forward as we begin our third year here in Scotland. Being perfectly open and honest, I hit a brick wall and slid ever-painfully back into old behavioural patterns of anxiety and panic.

There have also been health issues, that I believe – know – are not disconnected. Year one I suffered blockages. Year two, I pushed too hard. Year three, I began in spasm, with medication that threatened to turn me into a near zombie. Not me at all!

In Japan I might have headed for the nearest flotation tank. Instead I fly south for a week or so of sun and to reflect on progress made, progress not made (including a fair number of quite unintentional errors of judgement) and where to go from here towards restorative healing and positive change.

Watch this space!

... this beautiful, ethereal, uplifting space...

… this beautiful, ethereal, uplifting space…

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