12. May 2013 · Comments Off on Looking up · Categories: Courses, Looking up, Re-awakening, Renewal, Spirituality
Ossian's Hermitage, Rumbling Bridge, Perthshire

Ossian’s Hermitage, Rumbling Bridge, Perthshire



Much appreciated, all round

Funny how life can turn on a twist, or in this instance a lie down. We had friends staying last week, from Sydney via Ireland. One day we took them to The Hermitage (Ossian’s Hall) near Dunkeld, where we stood on what in my childhood we called Rumbling Bridge, because of the sound of  water-falling tumbling below, and wandered among the towering Douglas Fir trees. Which is when and where we found it. A seat, shaped and hollowed out in the shape of a pine cone, and inscribed with a quotation by David Douglas, after whom the tree is named.

Made for each and every one of us

Made for each and every one of us

We all lay on it one by one, and the sighs of content – the slow relaxed release of stress (Fred and Louise had been in Ireland for a memorial service, so very sad) – made us all hug one another and smile. When it came to my turn, my body fit like a glove and there I was, lying down, looking up. Up, up, up to where new Spring foliage was beginning to green into lime light. Suddenly all negativity fell away and I was my self again. Totally anchored and secure. My view is changed. Instead of looking down (as when I took the photograph of Winter Aconites among rocks and gravel for my first banner), now once again I am gazing upwards into the sky and the mysteries of beyond… DSCN3515Yes, finally, at long last, life is looking up.

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